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A husband and wife photography and videography duo documenting intimate and joy-filled weddings in Columbus, Ohio with a photojournalistic style.

Filtering by Tag: french buildings

Cambodia // Update Four


This is my third week in Cambodia - eight more to go. During the weekend my roommate and I got to explore around Battambang a little bit more, we found some cool places to eat and some cute little kids that I gave almost my whole roll of Oreos too, worth it. I taught our landlords daughter about primary colors and the rainbow. My roommate, Lindsay and I learned how to ride a bike together. She pedals and I sit on the back seat (which I finally learned how to sit side saddle ... NO MORE BRUISED BOTTOM). This was a huge success for us this week. We also went to the market to buy food for ourselves without any help. We started to take Khmer lessons, so now we know a few words and phrases now. I finally got a pictures of a few of the stray cats, I mean they are just so could I resist. Other than that there's not much to update on. Just trying to do life in Cambodia and shine a light. 

I did a devotional the other day and it was a huge encouragement. The study I am doing is about the book of Esther. The main verse they are focused on is:

“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” 
– Esther 4:14

eing in a foreign country, some place unfamiliar and new, can get a little discouraging. Sometimes you feel like you aren't making a difference or doing anything worth while. The story of Esther has just really been super encouraging. - I am here for a reason, God has me here for a reason. And I shouldn't be discouraged. I can't say it any better then how they put it in my devotional:

 "Where you are right now—where He has you in each moment—that is your kingdom. That very place is the piece of God’s Kingdom that He has entrusted to you. Whether you believe your kingdom is substantial or completely irrelevant, it is still yours and it is still His. You are still His. He has brought you here on your journey for such a time as this."

So, with that being said, thank you all for your prayers and encouragement, it's not going unnoticed or unappreciated. 
