Travel — Blog — Grace E. Jones Photography | Ohio + California Wedding Photographer

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A husband and wife photography and videography duo documenting intimate and joy-filled weddings in Columbus, Ohio with a photojournalistic style.

Filtering by Tag: Travel

Evelyne & Charles // Couples Session // Wooster, Ohio


Firstly, I would like to say that our names aren't Evelyne & Charles - but can we just agree that it sounds better than Grace & Brandon ... AND yes, this is me and my significant other. Ready for story time ? Okay, and GO. 

Five years ago, on the other side of the world, Brandon and I met on a very hot and humid day in Cambodia. Brandon is from California and I am from Ohio. We both ended up on the same missions trip to Cambodia. Funny how God does things. BUT we didn't get along - at all...he was an annoying 17 year old boy - I was a bratty 16 year old girl.  I vividly remember running away from him so I wouldn't have to talk to him. Nice, right? ( He talked a lot and I maybe got a good 100 words in each day ). Since 2010 we hadn't talked, until last year. He messaged me on Facebook asking about some camera gear. I proceed to respond 15 seconds later. After talking for a while we learned that God has put the same desires and dreams in our hearts and souls. I guess you could say, the rest is history. Soooo, here's some pictures of us!