Missions Work — Blog — Grace E. Jones Photography | Ohio + California Wedding Photographer

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A husband and wife photography and videography duo documenting intimate and joy-filled weddings in Columbus, Ohio with a photojournalistic style.

Filtering by Tag: Missions Work

Kyrgyzstan//Adventure Pt. 3


The whole goal of the trip to Kyrgyzstan was to go to the remote villages high up in the mountains. After a few days of being in the city, we got in a bus and headed up the mountain passes. This drive was one of the most beautiful drives I have ever been on. On our way to our destination for the night we stopped at a few villages on the way. Each came full of beautiful people and gorgeous landscapes.  

At the very first village we stopped at I met a girl my own age, although neither of us spoke each others native tongues we had a conversation through smiles, laughs and a lot of pointing. She showed me how to make a pattern for their amazing blankets they make. (so beautiful!!!) We also got to see a camel! And they even let us ride it.

Our next stop was yet another stunning village. As soon as we arrived we were swarmed with the locals trying to figure out why in the world a van of Americans would want to be at their village, they even let out the school children to come and see us. The children came up and held my hands and hung on me. They made my heart so happy with all of their cuteness! The leader of our group went to talk with the elders of the village, they showed us their goats and we took samples of their fiber from the finest specimens. After our team chatted about the fibers a town meeting was called. Everyone gathered in the school yard to hear what we had to say about their fiber. While the adults were gathered all of the children carried on playing and having a good time! When the meeting ended, the elder women gathered and showed us how to us a drop spindle! It was so interesting to watch and learn how to they do it. After being in this village for the afternoon, we shipped out to the next. Unfortunately, I got sick...so there aren't many photos from that evening. In the end I had to leave early and go back down to a lower elevation. I was super bummed because the next village we were going to go to was so beautiful. 

