Cooking Class — Blog — Grace E. Jones Photography | Ohio + California Wedding Photographer

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A husband and wife photography and videography duo documenting intimate and joy-filled weddings in Columbus, Ohio with a photojournalistic style.

Filtering by Tag: Cooking Class

Cambodia // Update Six // Cooking Class


I have always wanted to take a cooking class when I have been in Cambodia before, and finally I got the chance too! It was so much fun, we made 4 different dishes. Fish Amok, Sweet and Sour Chicken Soup, Fried Spring Rolls and a delicious frozen desert called Coconut LyLy. First we started at the market to get some of the food that we would be cooking, after going to the market we went back to the restaurant and started cooking. In the end we got to eat all of the food we made. Let's talk about a 4 course meal. It was so good! Huge thanks to Jessie and Tyler of One Plus One Design for being my hand models! (Check out their work, it's mind blowing!)
