Asia — Blog — Grace E. Jones Photography | Ohio + California Wedding Photographer

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A husband and wife photography and videography duo documenting intimate and joy-filled weddings in Columbus, Ohio with a photojournalistic style.

Filtering by Tag: Asia

Cambodia // Update Nine and a Half


I do realize that I have been a little absent from the computer lately. But you know, when you are in another country, you really don't want to sit around on you computer all day. So, I didn't. Over the past couple of weeks I have been battling intestinal bacteria and parasites, learning how to cook Khmer food, having my heart broken, being filled with joy, building relationships, taking photos, eating wonderful new foods, and trying not to melt in this 90 to 100 degree heat. I just wanted to give you a quick little preview of the many new stories I have been working on and update everyone on how and what I am doing.

Let's start at the beginning. In October of 2014 I had made my plans to go to Great Britain by myself - because I had saved up enough money and it was going to be my treat. I felt like things were going nicely in the planning process, I had free places to stay and photographs to take. It all sounded so great - a two month trip to one of my favorite places all by myself. FANTASTIC, right?! But for some reason I kept praying to God saying things like "God if you don't want me to go, I won't, just help me not to be sad and heart broken about it". I don't know why I felt compelled to even pray that prayer. As the time drew near to buy the airline ticket, I kept putting it off. That's very unlike me. Around the beginning of October I just felt God telling me that I shouldn't go because He had something better and more fulfilling for me. Little did I know that I would end up going to California in November to find the most amazing guy waiting on the other side of the US - that's another story in and of itself. That'll come later!

In October  I got a message from my friends in Cambodia asking if I would be interested in helping with a fair-trade ministry they are working on. I said of course - I thought it would just be a thing I would do on the computer and do the branding and that kind of stuff. BUT it turns out they invited me to come to Cambodia for 11 weeks. I mean, how could I turn that down? The prayer I had prayed was being answered. All along I just had a feeling that I wasn't supposed to go to Great Britain. You know, I wasn’t sad, I was so excited! I gave it up to God, my desires, my dreams, and he gave me something so much more amazing and beautiful - First, the most amazing guy I couldn't have found on my own, and Second, the chance of a lifetime to go to Cambodia and do what I love - take photos of the people. In case some of you don't know - I have been to Cambodia twice before. Ever since then the country, people and culture has been on my mind everyday. This country has a special place in my heart.

So that’s a little of the back story of how I ended up in Cambodia for 11 weeks. While here I have had the opportunity to take photos and interact/build relationships with so many amazing people. I'm so glad I listened to God's plan instead of my own selfish plan. I could have never planned out this trip the way it is unfolding. God is so good!