Dan + Lori // 28th Anniversary // Wooster, Ohio
Dan and Lori, or as I like to call them, Uncle Dan and Aunt Lori, have been married for 28 years! I have always admired their marriage and love for each other. They had a daughter who was born 2 months before me, so needless to say we were always around each other growing up.
I have always wanted to take photos of a couple who has been married for 20 + years to pick their brains and document their relationship. After church I asked them if they would be okay with me photographing and asking them questions, they agreed and we set a time a little later in the day to shoot. Side note: My uncle had a dream the night before about me taking photos of him ... watch out people, I know when you dream about me apparently!
Dan was a farm boy and Lori was a city girl, they were set up on a blind date by my Aunt Tina who is married to Dan’s brother, my Uncle Ted! Their first date was at a Chi-Chi's Restaurant. I asked them when they knew they would marry the other person, Dan said that he pretty much knew that night and already had their next date planned - Lori said that you never went out with the same guy two weekends in a row! - haha I couldn't help but laugh.
For their second date they went to a circus - then Dan said - the rest was history! They got engaged on Lori's birthday and got married 6 months later and honeymooned at Disney. (How fun!)
I asked them what one of their favorite memories was of each other...the first thing Lori said was "When Dan got chased by an armadillo!" Dan said, "When Lori put so much effort into making a 3D tractor cake for one of my birthdays."
Then I asked what their favorite thing is about each other - Without hesitation Lori said, "His sense of humor." and Dan said, "Her big heart." My uncle Danny is quite the comedian, I think it runs in our family’s blood, family holidays are always a riot! My Aunt Lori has the biggest heart for littler critters! Raccoons, ferrets, birds, you name it, she will take care of it like it's her own child!
Their advice for newlyweds is to always have a sense of humor and when you wake up in the morning always think of some way you can serve your spouse. Great advice!
I asked what the hardest thing that they have gone through together - Dan answered right away "When Lori was going through chemo for Breast Cancer." Lori said "Aw, that was nothing!" My aunt Lori is very positive and combats anything with a smile and a little humor!
P.S. - I am looking for a few more couples that have been married for 20+ years to photograph and interview! If you or anyone you know that might be interested I would love to talk with you about it!